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Matthew Miyamoto

Position: Medical Student, University of Maryland
Favorite Paper: Cardiac Regeneration - Lessons from Development (Galdos et al. Circ Res 2017)
Favorite Sports Teams: Steph Curry, Tom Brady, Lavar Ball
Hobbies: Cell culture, basketball, Fortnite
I was born on July 7th 1994 in Boston, Massachusetts weighing 8lbs 5 oz. Subsequently, I grew slightly larger and was admitted to Johns Hopkins University, where I received my Bachelors and Masters degrees in Molecular and Cellular Biology. In 2014, I joined the Kwon lab, where I worked with Dr. Hideki Uosaki to study signaling pathways in the developing heart.
I am currently working to better understand the role of Wnt and noncanonical Notch signaling in heart field specification. My research bridges the in vitro and in vivo worlds, and so my time in lab is split equally between shaking my head at uncooperative mice and shaking my head at uncooperative cell lines.
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